Once, in film school, a large group of us sat around, discussing what our class project would be for the semester. As I listened to the ideas of my classmates, I got more and more pissed off. Every single idea was borrowed from somebody else (not stolen, mind you - that would require too much risk and imagination).
It went like this: "What about doing a medieval piece? Well, in that case, we should have a sword fight to the death on a bridge above the castle during a rain storm.." To which my admittedly unhelpful response was "Yeah, I saw Willow too. Do you have any ACTUAL ideas?" The point here is that when you get involved with an art form, it might be that you have heroes and people you wish to emulate. That is pure and excellent. It is also the way we learn. But the fact is that you are unlike your mentors - and that is the greatest gift you possess. How do YOU tell the story, perform the song or film the scene? The world already has a Steven Spielberg, now give the world your perspective. In other words, "Be Different, Not Better" (Practically Chase Jarvis' motto on his show). Learn the techniques, by all means. Get out there and do it. Make mistakes, learn what others have done. Then discard the rules and go out to make it happen for yourself. The world needs more artists, not imitators. That, there are always plenty of. But you, there is a severe shortage. No one can ever do it like you. So then, why would you want to rob the world of your vision?